With their early morning loss to FC Cincinnati in the Disney bubble we've reached the lowest point in Atlanta Untied's MLS history. This club was built with very big ambitions by an all-in owner and a front office with plenty of savvy to pull it off; and pull it off they did.
Eales, Boca, and McDonough landed Tata Martino, and then found Miguel Almiron and paired him with Josef Martinez. That was the magic. But they also drafted Julian Gressel, and added Darlington Nagbe and sold Miggy to Newcastle for a record fee. For four(ish) years, dating back to the club's launch, it seemed like they were a step ahead of anyone in MLS; and that they were on the level with the biggest clubs in the hemisphere.
That feels like a lifetime ago now. That club, let's call it Atlanta 1.0 through 1.5, has been systematically disassembled.
Atlanta 2.0 is something very, very different.
- McDonough gone to Miami
- Tata gone to Mexico
- Miggy gone to Newcastle
- Villabla gone to Libertad
- Gressel gone to DC
- LGP gone to Miami
- Nagbe gone to Columbus
- Garza gone to Cincinnati
- Pankhurst gone to retirement
- Lawrentowicz gone to the bench
As fast as they built it, it was over. It's we're now living through Newton's third law applied to club construction. "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction."
Whereas Tata was a Bielsa-like philosophical center of gravity for the entire organization, Frank de Boer is a manager with ideas that don't mesh with the roster; don't fit with the aesthetic and identity #ATLUTD fans came to cherish, and don't give his squad any sort of competitive advantage against the rest of the league.
Whereas Josef, Miggy were supreme DP signings each subsequent bite at the apple has gotten increasingly less satisfactory; highlighted by the total miss on Pity Martinez.
They built it once, so perhaps they can do it again? But it's hard to see Eales and Boca overseeing a thriving Atlanta 3.0 given how the last 18 months have gone.